About Us
Eureka Taekwondo is an organisation that teaches Traditional Taekwondo. We do not have fee contracts or automatic withdrawals, you pay the Branch Instructor at your home class.
Fee Structure: New students may have 2 free lessons, to continue training it is $50 life membership including the rest of years player accident insurance (normally $10 per year).
Training fees are $40 per month for students that train 1 session per week, payable at start of the month. Students within the Cessnock area may pay $60 to their home base Instructor at the start of the month, and will be issued with a receipt pass for unlimited training for that month, this can not be rolled over to another month. Students are able to attend up to 8 lessons per week in Cessnock area for $60 a month.
Grading tests are held every 3 months in each area for students that have made sufficient progress and must have their Instructors permission: grading fees are $60 p/p for colour belt grades; $120 to Junior Black Belt: $150 to Black Belt: All Dan grades $180.
Uniforms are $65 each and are fully embroided front & back and are not compulsory until after students 1st grading.
Some areas can offer family rates for 3 or more family members (please ask your Instructor).
Respecting Tradition
All Skills and Ages
Family Friendly
Colour Belt Patterns for Eureka Taekwondo are : 9th Grade, yellow tip, Chon-Ji : 8th Grade, yellow belt, Dan-Gun : 7th Grade, green tip, Do-San :
6th Grade, green belt, Won-Hyo : 5th Grade, blue tip,Yul-Gok : 4th Grade, blue belt,Joong-Gun : 3rd Grade, brown tip, Toi-Gye :
2nd Grade, brown belt, Hwa-Rang : 1st Grade, black tip, Choong-Moo .
Patterns practiced by Eureka Taekwondo Black Belts (as well as colour belt patterns) are : Kwang Gae : Po Eun : Ge Baek : Choong Jang : Ko Dang :
Sam iL : Yoo Sin : Choi Yong : Ul Ji : Se Jong : Tong iL : Plus Bassai Dai Kata .